- Itinerary
- Day 1
- Day 2
- Day 3
- Day 4
- Day 5
- Day 6
- Day 7
- Including
Our adventure will begin in the Tlingit village of Hoonah, located on the northern end of Chichagof Island in SE Alaska. Located near the entrance to Port Frederck, Hoonah is the states largest community of Tlingit people. As you leave Hoonah and venture into Frederick Sound you will find a vast wilderness of coastal temperate rain forest giving way to coastal mountains, rich with wildlife, both in the marine environment and on its shores, truly a paddlers paradise. Near the back of Frederick Sound is a portage linking it with Tenakee inlet. No doubt this portage has been used for centuries by indigenous peoples traveling these waters trading from one community to the next and it will be our path from the first half of our trip to the second as well.
From the northwest, Tenakee Springs is only 30 or so miles by water from the portage that will lead us from Frederick Sound to Tenakee Inlet but the amount of coast line to explore and the wilderness to experienced is almost immeasurable. In these waters whales, porpoise seals and sea otter abound and on its shores moose, wolves and brown bears roam through out the forest and sometimes venture down to the shore to forage at low tide. Along the way we can paddle through Long Bay, Seal Bay and Crab Bay. Depending on the season we can investigate the many streams feeding into the inlet, some full of salmon, which can bring brown bears to their shores to feed.
Once arriving in Tenakee Springs we can spend some time in this town of 85 hearty souls, visiting the local hot springs or the small mercantile as we ease back into civilization after our week on the waters of SE Alaska
Day 1
Meet you guide for a pre- trip meeting and then spend the afternoon and evening in Hoonah exploring this historic village and prepping gear for our departure the following morning
Day 2
After breakfast we shove off into Port Frederick and our expedition begins. Taking some time to get comfortable in our kayaks and have a discussion about on-the-water safety, we will head down the inlet toward our first campsite.
Day 3
After a good cup of coffee or tea and a hearty breakfast, we will break camp, pack our kayaks, and head to the portage that leads us to Tenakee Inlet.
Day 4
Waking the next morning with the portage behind us, we head to the southeast in the direction of Tenakee Springs. We have three days to cover the distance.
Day 5
Mid-way up Tenakee Inlet, both Seal Bay and Long Bay offer excellent camping opportunities and lots of chances to explore the tidal flats.
Day 6
If we are on schedule today it’s our final day in our kayaks. We will arrive in the village of Tenakee Springs mid-afternoon and can take a soak in the legendary Tenakee Hotsprings.
Day 7
After a good breakfast and some packing, we can explore the village of Tenakee Springs as we wait for our transportation and say goodbye to this incredible part of Alaska
Food while in the field
Group camping gear
Tents, sleeping bags, sleeping pads
Kayak, paddle, PFD, safety gear
Professional guide service
Not Included
Lodging while not in the field
Food while not in the field
Personal equipment
Gratuity for guide(s)